Our May Meeting
Our May meeting was a again a lively affair and we welcomed two new members. Well done to all for sharing their work and thanks to all who attended and participated in the evening. See you in June.

Irish Pen Award
Eblana Members attend Irish Pen Literary Award 2012 Eblana Writers and Irish Pen associate members Caroline Brady and Fiona Price congratulate Irish Pen 2012 recipient Joseph O’Connor at a gala evening held in the Royal St. George Yacht Club in…
May Meeting:
Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday 2nd of May. Hope to see you there. If you are interested in becoming a member for 2012 email us at eblanawriters@gmail.com

A fond farewell…
The first Eblana meeting of 2012 is on Wednesday 1st February at 7pm in the United Arts Club. New members are most welcome. We generally meet in the bar of the Club for a chat, before starting the meeting. Here…
17th December – 2 writing competitions you might be interested in
Great new contest – the Fish Short Memoir (Life Writing) Contest, with David Shields as the judge. First prize is €2,000, and the ten best short memoirs will be published in the 2012 Fish Anthology. Closes 30 Jan 2012. We…