Found stories
It was down to business at our February meeting with the re-election of officers for 2015. There was also discussion of a e-publishing project and some sources of expertise that could be tapped in to.
As for the writing, the group was treated to a story set aboard a mission to Mars in four parts by Emma. Seeing as the piece was written from four distinct points of view we divided it up and used four different voices to suit the characters.
Our inspiration, if it was needed, was to base a piece of short fiction on a found form. This could be something as simple as a receipt or as complicated as an instruction manual. As chance would have it both Niall and Joe looked to Web search histories for inspiration. Mark had a different angle, starting with the form of a film review and seeing where the journey took him.
Lastly, Emma introduced us to Hero Bob, a story from the point of view of a heroic brick. Actually, this brick…